Is this Still running?
All, we’re running half court and full court several times a week. All genders welcome! Contact me if interested in the schedule. virtualpower100@yahoo.com
All, we’re running half court and full court several times a week. Contact me if interested in the schedule! virtualpower100@yahoo.com
All, just a friendly reminder that I help organize runs in Pleasantville during the week and Irvington on Sundays. If interested in being added to the email list, let me know! virtualpower100@yahoo.com
Hey all, friendly reminder that I help schedule games in Pleasantville, usually 4-6pm on T/Th. Lmk if interested in joining! Jonathan (virtualpower100@yahoo.com).
Please let me know if you are getting these messages and notice of the game, thanks!
Hope you guys can make this game!
Guys, I help organize pickup bball in Pleasantville and we’ve had a few outdoor full court runs recently (and almost always have half court games). Let me know if you are interested in joining.
Hey guys just joined if you guys would have me. Just trying to hoop haha. Afternoons during the week are tough for me but the evenings usually work
Any interest in games in the afternoon or evening?